- Toyna Chin, San Francisco, CA
social media
5 Reasons to Hire a Social Media Marketing Consultant
Investment in social media marketing has never been higher. It’s expected that social media marketing spend will grow by 18.5% in the next five years.
One area where businesses are investing in is social media marketing consulting. Hiring an expert to support you can help you negotiate many of the pitfalls that come with marketing on social media.
Three Easy Ways to Get More From Social Media Marketing
When you think of them in that way, working with these sites seems less daunting. In fact, it seems more like the other things you already do to grow your company. To see what we mean, here are three easy ways to get more from social media marketing:
Using Twitter to Grow your Business Online
1. What is Twitter? Twitter.com is a website where you can send short messages to the public. You create an account and start sending 140 character messages. These messages are called tweets. People follow you and they can see your tweets on their home page, much like your wall on Facebook. And you follow them and you can see their tweets on your home page. See my tweets here: www.twitter.com/seascapeweb
2. Twitter is a conversation. You can reply to other people’s tweets and they reply to yours and that way you can have a 2 way conversation.
Feb 2011: 10 Tips on Using Social Media & Facebook Pages
Here are some helpful tips to promote your business online using social media and Facebook pages. Please Like our Facebook page.
Have you Planned your Social Media Strategy for 2011? Contact Katy for free 30 minute Skype consultation. Only 5 slots available.
1. Tweet regularly every day at least 6 tweets and space them throughout the day. I do this using a tool called Hootsuite. Then when I have time during the day, I can spend time listening to other’s tweets and answering questions and sending tweets to indivuals and having a conversation.
2. Put your Facebook page URL on your Email Signature. One of the best ways to drive traffic to your Facebook page is to add the URL to your email signature. Also add links to your Facebook page to your Newsletters, Twitter pages, Skype statuses, and your home page.
Read 10 Tips for Using Social Media and Facebook Pages10 Tips to Promote Your Facebook Page - Dec. 2010
1. Create Fresh content so people will like to visit your Fan page. One of the best ways to do this is to import your blog content into your Fan page. Simply RSS provides an easy way to add feeds to your profile. Now you can easily share your blog, favourite feeds and shared items in Google Reader on your fan page.
How to Create Facebook Page for your Business - Sept 2010
Sorry this is being released a little bit late. Better late than never, right? Enjoy your FREE issue of monthly Internet Marketing Tips. Here is our September 2010 newsletter:
With over 500 million users on Facebook, it makes sense to have a Page on Facebook.com for your business. They are also important because they show up high in the search engine results. And you can also get an unlimited number of “fans” for your Facebook Page, unlike your regular Facebook profile which has a maximum of 5,000 friends.
Here's how to create a Facebook page for your company:
1. First you need to sign up for a personal account.
2. Now you can add a Facebook Page to promote your Business on Facebook.com
7 Tips on How to Use Twitter for Your Business - Part 1
1. What is Twitter? Twitter.com is a website where you can send short messages to the public. You create an account and start sending 140 character messages. These messages are called tweets. People follow you and they can see your tweets on their home page, much like your wall on Facebook. And you follow them and you can see their tweets on your home page. See my tweets here: www.twitter.com/seascapeweb
2. Twitter is a conversation. You can reply to other people’s tweets and they reply to yours and that way you can have a 2 way conversation.
What is Social Media?
The following is a post from Daniel Scocco, author of Daily Blogging Tips.
I was browsing through my RSS reader today and came across an interesting post from Brian Clark, titled Since When Are Blogs Not Social Media?. Here is a quote from it:
I’ve noticed a strange trend lately.
For some reason, people seem to be equating social media with social networking.
At the same time, they seem to be treating blogging as something other than social media.
Seascape Web Design is now on Twitter!
Seascape Web Design is now on Twitter! You can follow us at SeascapeWeb. Keep up to date with the latest happenings at our web design and marketing company including new projects, additions to our portfolio and information on effective marketing strategies.
To view our postings on Twitter, go to http://www.twitter.com/seascapeweb
What is a blog?
I recently attended a workshop on Blogging for Business given by Mhairi Petrovic on June 17th.
One of the attendees piped up: What does a blog look like? I imagine little comment balloons popping up when someone makes a comment on a blog.
(By the way, that's a great visual idea - having comments pop up in balloons when commenting on blogs.)
That is a very good question. What does a blog look like?
Most definitions say a blog is an online diary or journal. Sort of but not quite. Does anyone want the whole world to read what's in your private diary? I think not. They forget to add a very important qualifier to their definition of blog. It's a very public online journal. More like a column in a newspaper. I like this definition found on blogger.com:
A blog is a website. (It looks like a webpage.)
It's a website where you write stuff on an ongoing basis.
New stuff shows up on top so your visitors can read what's new right away.
And blogs are more interactive than the normal website. Visitors can comment on each blog entry and add their opinion or facts thereby creating a discussion rather than just a static webpage. And the blog poster can respond to the comments and the visitor can respond again. So then we have a conversation. This builds community.
If you're new to blogging, a good place to start is at
http://www.blogger.com. This blog is built on blogger.com. It's free to sign up and start a blog. They have a tour explaining the features of the blog. And you can restrict you views your blog. If you're a bit shy at first, you can show your blog only to your friends and family. And then later on you can show it to the world.