- Toyna Chin, San Francisco, CA
Internet Marketing Strategies and Drupal Tips
HTML5 Rocks Drupal 7 was well attended in Surrey on Mar. 10th
You can view the video screencast and download the slides here:
A big thank you to Roberto and Izzy for doing lightning talks:
Interview with Jen Simmons - Is HTML5 ready to use now?
jensimmons [~jensimmon@drupal.org/user/140882/view] has joined #drupal-html5
<katy5289> Hi Jen, do you recommend we start using html5 in Drupal 7 themes?
<jensimmons> hello
<jensimmons> katy5289: yeah!
<jensimmons> I'm going to....
<jensimmons> when it makes sense
<katy5289> when would that be?
<jensimmons> depends on the client and the budget of the project etc etc
<jensimmons> but also — why not!?!
Drupal Training Conference in Chicago, March 7-11, 2011
![Drupalcon Chicago March 7-11, 2011](/sites/files/drupalcon-logo.png)
I am excited to be starting several new client projects this month, so I am not able to attend. But we are proud to have many Drupallers from Vancouver attending and several will be giving presentations:
Angie Byron: Scaling the Drupal Community
Ariane K.: New Directions for Documentation
Vanessa Turke: Strategies for Client Management
Kat Bailey: Drupal 7 Javascript for Developers
Feb 2011: 10 Tips on Using Social Media & Facebook Pages
Here are some helpful tips to promote your business online using social media and Facebook pages. Please Like our Facebook page.
Have you Planned your Social Media Strategy for 2011? Contact Katy for free 30 minute Skype consultation. Only 5 slots available.
1. Tweet regularly every day at least 6 tweets and space them throughout the day. I do this using a tool called Hootsuite. Then when I have time during the day, I can spend time listening to other’s tweets and answering questions and sending tweets to indivuals and having a conversation.
2. Put your Facebook page URL on your Email Signature. One of the best ways to drive traffic to your Facebook page is to add the URL to your email signature. Also add links to your Facebook page to your Newsletters, Twitter pages, Skype statuses, and your home page.
Read 10 Tips for Using Social Media and Facebook PagesBest Free Online Tool of the Month - Dropbox.com
The best free online tool is Dropbox.com. You can drop your files into the dropbox folder on your desktop and they get uploaded to your online storage space at Dropbox.com. Then you can open your laptop at the cafe and get access to the latest versions of your files by accessing them at your account at Dropbox.com.
You can back up your database files using the Backup Migrate module and by adding a patch, you can also store them at Dropbox.com for other team members to access. See http://tombigel.com/2010/09/19/dropbox_support_drupal_backup/
Learn how to develop effective Social Media profiles with Sherri-Lee Pressman on Feb. 23/11
Luncheon Details:
Date: Feb. 23, 2011
Time: 11:30am
Where: Eaglequest Golf @ Coyote Creek
7778 – 152nd Street, Surrey, BC
Web: http://www.valleywomensnetwork.com
How to Build an Online Business Directory using Drupal
HTML5 & Drupal 7 - Surrey Drupal Meetup on Mar. 10, 2011
HTML5 is ready to use today, and Scott will show you how to use it in your Drupal themes. During this session, you will learn the answer to these questions:
- What is HTML5?
- What features does it offer me?
- How do I set up my themes to use it?
- How well supported is it?
HTML5 - Hot topic in web design industry
- New semantic HTML tags like header, nav, footer, article, aside and section
- new API that allows one to edit webpages in your browser
- draw pictures in your browser using <canvas> tag.
- a new video tag that plays video files in iPad and iPhone - Will it replace Flash?