Updating Modules

Apr 18 2011

The Best Way to Update Contributed Modules in Drupal

Here is the best way to update contributed modules on your Drupal 6 website:
1. Put your site into Site Maintenance mode. Go to Site Configuration>Site Maintenance and set your Site status to offline.
2. Flush the cache. Go to Site Configuration>Performance. Scroll down towards the bottom of the page and click on “Clear cached data” button. I recommend installing the module called "Admin menu". (http://drupal.org/project/admin_menu) It places all the Drupal Admin functions in a menu bar at the top of your screen. You can easily clear the cache by clicking on the favicon on the upper left side of the menu and select "Flush all caches". As a Drupal developer, I end up clearing the cache a lot so having this shortcut is really helpful.