How to Improve your Drupal Admin Interface

These 3 modules are 3 of my most favourite modules for Drupal 6. They do a lot to improve the look and feel and functionality of your Drupal admin panel.
1. Better Messages
This handy little module is amazing and makes your error messages look great. Instead of having Drupal admin messages showing up in your page and breaking your theme, you can view your messages in a beautiful graphical style with the Better Messages module. This module displays admin messages in an overlay and you can customize the location and even make it draggable. Just install the jQuery UI module and choose “Make Better Messages draggable” at the bottom of module configuration page.
2. Vertical Tabs
This feature is so awesome it is now included in Drupal 7 core. Ever get tired of scrolling down to see all the configuration settings when you edit a page or article? Vertical Tabs will improve your UI by placing all these settings in vertical tabs. The settings area now looks clean and tidy. Add zebra striping in your theme and it’s really easy to read. This module now works for nodes and blocks.

3. Content Management Filter
My clients often get frustrated when I try to explain to them how to organize and manage their site content using the Content management>Content page. It has so many options but is lacking sorting posts by date and author. I was so happy to discover the Content Management Filter module, otherwise known as CMF. You can sort all your site content by author, user role, created date and it looks great, too. This tool is also available for your content editors without giving them "Administer nodes" permissions.

Question: What are your favourite Drupal modules? Leave a comment and tell us about them.


Hey there, thank you for the

Hey there, thank you for the heads up on this, I was actually needing this for one of my drupal sites I am planning next month. Appreciate it. Chris Harris

Update on Vertical Tabs module

Be sure to use Vertical Tabs 6.x-1.0-beta5. It's the only version that works for all the create node forms. I installed rc1 and rc2 and the vertical tabs do not show up for node/add/page and node/add/story and node/add/testimonial.

Update for Drupal 7

Vertical Tabs module is now included in core for Drupal 7.