- Toyna Chin, San Francisco, CA
Surrey Drupal Meetup: Drupal Showcase May 12, 2011
I'm looking forward to our meetup tonight. Shaun Dychko of http://www.giancolianswers.com/ will demonstrate how he set up his membership site with subscriptions. Katy will be demonstrating a Property Rentals website.
If you can't make it this evening, we meet every 2nd Thursday of the month. Each month we will have a Drupal Showcase, a demonstration of a website built with Drupal. RSVP here: http://www.meetup.com/surrey-drupal/events/17195379/
Here's the blurb:
Come out at 6:30 pm to meet new people and socialize. The meeting starts at 7pm.
Topic: Show us your favourite Drupal site. Explain what modules you used to build it and all the special things about it. It can be any Drupal site that you have worked on as part of a team or one that you built yourself.
Contact Katy@seascapewebdesign to be included in the short list. Only 3 remaining time slots available.
Drupal Q&A: Bring your questions on anything related to Drupal from how to do something technical in PHP to what modules are needed to implement a feature you need.
Cost: While there is no cost for this event, it would be great if you can come prepared to order something (some of us order dinner, some just drinks) along with a 15% gratuity as we really want to keep up a good relationship with ABC as they've been great in allowing us to book their conference room.