5 Tips to Engage with Your Customers through Videos

If you are looking for new ways of engaging with your customers, creating eye-catching videos can provide you with loads of opportunities. Thanks to the advancement of the “Internet of Things”, today you don’t have to get a broadcaster to book you an advertising slot; instead, you can stream and distribute your ad and informative videos to targeted customers. If you are already excited about the concept of customer engagement through videos, read our five expert tips on how to get started.

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  1. Informative Videos for Your Blog

If you have a company blog, you can make it more interactive and engaging by adding short videos. You might decide to host them on one of the video sites, such as Vimeo or YouTube or create a collection of informative training and give it away to your customers. If you get in touch with Viva Media they can advise you on the different options available for vlogging and content creation.
  1. Slideshow Videos on Your Website

If you would like to educate your customers about different products or services you offer, you might want to make some PowerPoint presentations and turn them into videos. Whether you are a personal trainer or a financial advisor, you can show off your skills and knowledge, building trust among your potential customers. There are plenty of professional software to help you create these videos, or you can employ a video editing company.
  1. Facebook Video Advertising

While advertising on Facebook is a good option for many businesses, and can deliver great results, implementing short, snappy videos in your campaigns can take your marketing to the next level. If you don’t have any videos on your site or Facebook, you are missing out capturing the interest of customers with a shorter attention span. Make sure that you get a video up and running on your company page to get your message across.
  1. Email Marketing with Video Advertising

“DrupalCon Prague 2013” by Access Advertising is licensed under CC BY 2.0
While you might already have an email list, and you create newsletters and send out occasional promotions, you cannot be sure that the recipients do read your emails. If you attach a video, however, you can increase the chances of getting your content checked out by customers. If you include videos in your email marketing campaign, you can get your content go viral and save time on copywriting.
  1. Webinar Advertising

A little known method of using videos in your content marketing strategy is webinar advertising. The main benefit of this use of videos is that you can interact with people directly and get instant feedback on the content you deliver. You might create a simple PowerPoint presentation and talk over it with your audience, sending out the recordings in your next newsletter.

Video marketing can be implemented in every advertising channel, and improve your brand’s recognition on the global market. It helps with corporate and personal branding, and building meaningful customer relationships. If you show off your skills and encourage feedback, you can stand out from the crowd and differentiate your brand on a competitive market.