Surrey Drupal developer, Vladimir Ilic, will be presenting at tonight's meetup of the
Vancouver Drupal Meetup. His session will cover requirements for integrating Node.js with your existing Drupal application.
Node.js - a paradigm shift in web development is coming to a server near you. It provides a unifying language all the way from the back end to the front end. This session will give you an overview on what Node.js is, how to get started with it, and most importantly, how and when to integrate it with your existing Drupal application (get best from both worlds).
Some topics that will be covered:
• What is Node.js
• Why Node?
• What make Node.js different?
• What do you need to get started with Node?
• Drupal and Node.js
Vladimir Ilic fell in love with computers in 1979 with his first program being the lunar lender on the TI 57. He is a passionate programmer and avid technologist who was first introduced to Drupal four years ago and, has since then, completely integrated the framework into his daily work. He is currently employed by a large organization developing Drupal on Linux/OSX.
Lightning Talks
Attendees are invited to share their experience by giving a 2 to 4 minute presentation on any topic of interest to the Drupal community. If you want to use a laptop to show a website or control panel please be sure you have the necessary cable (vga) to connect to an overhead projector.
Date: Jan 23, 2013 - 6:30pm
Location: The Network Hub, 3rd Floor, 422 Richards Street, Vancouver, BC
Cost: There is no charge and all are welcome.
For those who don't need to leave right away there's typically a more social discussion at a local pub afterward.
RSVP: Please RSVP here